hy guyz now i am going to tell you how to hide your files nd folder in windows
(without any Softwere)
if you hide you file or folder from its property then it is may shown when we show (view all hidden folder) from folder option so there is aa trick to hide files and folder(using CMD Command)
COpy my steps......
Just go to the folder or file from your windows explorer,which you want to hide. ...
Right click on the Address Bar and select Copy .
Click on the Start Button .
Click on the Run .(window+R) Shortcut key.
if you hide folder.
attrib +s +h "adrees of a folder"
if you hide file then must declare itx extension.
attrib +s +h "name.exe"
WARNING(you must rember your file name)
BoooOOm your file/folder was hide
if you want to unhide simple
if you hide folder.
attrib -s -h "adrees of a folder"
if you hide file then must declare itx extension.
attrib -s -h "name.exe"
(if you forget file/folder name then contact me)
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Name : Haid3r Awan
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